Happy (late) Easter!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy (late) Easter to all! It has taken me awhile to get these posts up because my Mom and sister, Stacy, were in town last week...along with my other sister, Gina, and her husband Dmitry. It was Great having them visit! Here is what the East Bunny left on our table... Carter got a "Bob the Builder" DVD an , as you can tell, he loved it! Then we were invited to have an Easter egg hunt at a friends house after Church Here are the boys...Jackson, Beckham & Carter...checking out their loot It took awhile for Carter to agree to take a family picture...he just wanted to play with the boys What a wonderful time we have to reflect on the gifts the Savior has given us. We hope you all had a wonderful Easter and that you were able to remember what this season is really about.


Eric and Sierra said...

Hi Cindy, It was fun catching up on your life through your blog. I'm glad you are recovering well and it is fun to see Carter. He is really cute. Can't wait to see you two atleast at Lindsey's reception.