Happy Mother's Day to All you Mother's and Mother's to be!

Monday, May 12, 2008

We hope you all had a wonderful Mother's day filled with love and family. I sincerely enjoy the time I get to spend with my wonderful husband and son. They are truly the love and joy in my life! I am so blessed to be a Mother and be able to teach Carter and watch him learn and grow. Which, by the way, happens so fast. Here are some tokens of their appreciation for me as their wife and mother... Thank you Gordon, these flowers are wonderful and smell amazing! Carter made this in nursery and as I have been enjoying looking at it I noticed that the flower is his hand. They traced his hand and made it into this beautiful flower....what a sweet gift!


jaylynw said...

Hey Gordon, Cindy and Carter,
I haven't checked your blog in a long time, and all of the pictures are so cute.

Love you guys.